Connect Slayte to 2000+ apps using the Zapier platform to create powerful workflows.
Engage your audience with social media content that increases brand awareness at events, on displays and on your website.
Powerful and fully-integration bi-directional SSO, CRM and Write-Back
Dynamics 365 SSO and CRM features allow searching and capturing profile fields.
Powerful and fully-integration bi-directional SSO, CRM and Write-Back
Log into Slayte with your Google Account
Log into Slayte with your LinkedIn account
Log into Slayte with your Facebook account
Dynamics 365 SSO and CRM features allow searching and capturing profile fields.
Let attendees join your Zoom meetings right from the conference portal.
Let attendees join your Webex meetings right from the conference portal.
Let attendees join your GoToMeetings right from the conference portal.
Let attendees join your GoToWebinars right from the conference portal.