Slayte comes as a service and sends all future updates free of charge; we release new code multiple times a week and are proud to offer the most recent updates and additions. Read our Release Notes.
We are a technology company. Our innovative system enables you to build forms in a reusable and resilient way, yet with all the easily searchable data you require.
Slayte has all clients run on the same software-basis, allowing us to rely on a refined and hardened core of code that has found success through a myriad of use cases. All updates to our software is behind the scenes, invisible and without manual interaction.
We rely on node.js as our fundamental backend technology because of its performance and versatility. Our adoption of a microservices architecture, meanwhile, enables us to operate a variety of different technologies via clearly defined interfaces that are specific to different services.
Our modern frontend is built on Facebook’s React-JS framework, widely regarded as the next generation of the web. Our software delivery is via a Single-Page-Application, minimizing load-times to enable a seamless client-side experience.
We chose mongoDB as our technology partner for its ability to quickly store and search large chunks of data, enabling us to grow with demand, provide fast querying, and run automatic backups. MongoDB is trusted by companies of all sizes, including Google, eBay and SAP.
For any smaller or highly relational data‐storage needs we rely on the widely established SQL implementation in MariaDB.
All communication between browsers and our servers is secured by HTTPS and Transport Level Security (the next version of SSL). Our servers are protected in Amazon’s Virtual Private Cloud, and are only accessible from our own VPN.
We rely on our partner Amazon to host our software in their “Amazon Web Services (AWS)”‐Cloud. Slayte shares the same enterprise‐tested platform that powers Salesforce, SAP, Adobe, Airbnb, and many more services.
Amazon Web Services guarantees 99.95% SLA availability, 24×7 tech support, and constant service-health monitoring. AWS runs on a growing global network of Amazon‐managed datacenters across 12 regions, giving Slayte a wide range of options for running applications and ensuring clients consistently enjoy top performance.
This hosting choice’s main advantage for our customers is high availability and security. Slayte can scale and deploy quickly, as Amazon automatically scales up servers if demand increases. Our platform leverages many of Amazon’s web services, including virtual machines within the powerful Elastic Compute Cloud and the Simple Storage Service behind the high availability of Amazon’s CloudFront.